<bgsound src="https://www.danversstatehospital.com/watching.wav" loop="INFINITE">
I Don't really think I need to say this but.......  Don't go in these places. For legal and health reasons...

^  Plus these guys pictured here are just looking to bust someone ^
                                          Don't say I did'nt warn you
These places contain Asbestos. This is known to cause CANCER. Cancer is not a fun time. To put it simply by going in you raise your risk of lung cancer. So going in is not a good idea.
Trespasing is illeagal. Granted not the worst thing you can do. Its still a crime. So to avoid a silly charge on your record stay clear of the insides of these places.
These place are falling apart. I personally have never had a problem but there is always a possiblity of a floor collapsing while your on it or a celing falling on you.
General weirdo's are known to frequent these places. Homeless find these places attractive as well, and if you've ever met a homeless person imagine running into one in an abandon asylum or building. Disturbed people also find these places attractive as well. As well I can personally say i saw a bullet hole in a window at Foxboro State Hospital  and heard through someone who works as a guard at Metropolitan that a jammed, loaded gun was found in there. Just more reasons not to go in.
Lead paint is peeling off the walls in most of these places and can easily be breathed in. Avoid this health risk